Start Here.

At many points along my illness and recovery, I wished I could just take a course with everything I needed to know about the brain, the mind, personality and what could possibly be getting in the way of my building a life.

So…here it is! Our attempt to provide you with exactly that. We plan to add new resources each week, so subscribe to our feed below to stay up to date with the latest content & events.

Lindsay Dow
Founder, Personily


What is Personality

Learn the foundations of what personality is, how it helps us meet our needs, and how our personalities sometimes get in the way of building the life we want.


Needs, Feelings & Actions

How do we know what we need? Learn about how our feelings help us understand our needs and act in ways that (typically) help us meet them.


Navigating the World

Our brains build models of the world, others, and ourselves to try to meet our needs in light of an uncertain and changing world.


You! The Most Important Model

Understanding how our brain’s model of ourselves is the first step gaining control over our beliefs and our actions.


Other People

Understanding what we believe about other people is critical to building and sustaining satisfying relationships with those around us.


Understanding Survival Mode

Our brains change how they process information and build models of the world under stress, creating a vicious cycle that’s hard to escape.


Compensating for Instability

Just like our bodies compensate for physical pain with a limp, our minds compensate for an unstable sense of self by leaning away from the pain and over investing in other aspects of our lives


Escaping Survival Mode

Escaping survival mode requires us to first become aware of ourselves and our state, and ultimately requires consistent practice - tolerating the pain and grief that entails.


Let’s Get Technical

Learn how clinicians have historically thought about Personality Disorders. Then double click into one of the most prevalent conditions — Borderline Personality Disorder — to understand common symptoms and the underlying behavioral model.